Cleanse Oil Blend

Cleanse Oil Blend

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Apply this stimulating oil blend to increase circulation, aid detoxification and regulate the renal system including the liver and bladder.

Ingredients: Cypress EO, German Chamomile EO, Juniper Berry EO & Fractionated Coconut Oil
EO = Essential Oil

Directions: Roll over temples or behind the ears, as well as the top of the spine and wrists

Volume 10ml

Store in a cool dry place away from direct sunlight.

Cautions: If pregnant or lactating please consult your healthcare professional. If you develop a rash or other allergic response please discontinue use. Not for internal use.

Hand-crafted in Victoria, Australia from ingredients sourced within Australia and overseas.


Essential Oil Benefits
Cypress - stimulates circulation and muscle tissue, diuretic, promotes sweating, regulates bile discharge (liver health), anti-bacterial, energising, mood boosting, treats varicose veins and cellulite
German Chamomile anti-inflammatory, pain reliever, anti-microbial, improves digestion, treats wounds and skin conditions, relieves congestion, anti-anxiety, alleviates insomnia, relaxant, reduces anger
Juniper Berry - regulates the renal system including the liver and urinary tract, antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, aids digestion, immune boosting, relieves bloating, treats cellulite