What is Herbalism

Hello! And welcome to the first blog post for Sacred Wise. At Sacred Wise our aim is to inform and educate on healthy choices, as well as provide some products to help you on your health and wellness journey. We believe that our health is predominantly in our own hands, and what we do in our day-to-day life impacts greatly on our health outcomes as well as our quality of life.
In this post I will focus on what is herbalism and how we can utilize herbs in our daily routines to keep our mind and body on track and working at its best. I haven’t written a blog post before, so please bear with me while I blab about a passion of mine…
I myself relied on the medical system for health until it let me down in a spectacular way. The medical system is fantastic for treating disease or emergencies, but I find it does not help you become nor stay healthy. I subsequently learnt that the herbs I had been dabbling in for so many years, could keep me healthy in ways beyond my imagining, reducing my need to rely on the medical system. I now rely on healthy living practices and herbs to keep my body running at an optimal level.
What is herbalism?
One of the best ways to learn about herbs is through teachers, those that have been using herbs themselves for many years. From wisdom and remedies passed down through the generations. Find a mentor, read some books, take a class or workshop. Grow some herbs, spend time with them and delve into the intricacies of these living plants. What does it look like? What does it smell like? What does it feel like? What does it taste like? Continue to study, there is always more to learn when it comes to the wisdom and healing of plants.
The practice of working with and consuming herbs goes back thousands of years, it is a very complex topic. Herbalism is not just drinking a tea or popping an herbal pill, it is a mindset. A mindset of healing, one that relies on a relationship between person, plant and nature.
According to the Oxford Dictionary, Herbalism is ‘the study or practice of the medicinal and therapeutic use of plants, now especially as a form of alternative medicine’.
We don’t actually know how herbs work as a medicine. Modern science has done a great job in isolating active compounds in plants and how they affect the body. Many herbs are rich in vitamins and minerals that supply the body with the healing components needed to improve cellular regeneration, circulation, elimination, and organ function. It is proven and well documented, the effects of herbs after they have been administered. Yet herbs work in a holistic manner, their constituents combine to work together, and they treat the entire body rather than a single organ or body system. Many herbs have multiple properties that restore the body into balance and nourish the body as a whole, bringing the body and its organs back to functioning optimally.
When our bodies are experiencing concerns or illness, it is not just one organ or system that is suffering. You will find that multiple areas of the body are hurting as well. So, when herbs are used to treat an ailment, we must look at the whole body and treat the body from a holistic perspective.
The term ‘herb’ refers to the whole plant and all its parts, from the roots to the stems, bark, leaves, flowers and more. There are a variety of methods to consume herbs and extract their active compounds. Some of these methods are as teas, infusions, decoctions, tinctures, dried whole or powdered, powdered extracts or in tablet or capsule form.
Put simply, herbalism uses plants and foods for healing and for building and maintaining good health. So how can we incorporate herbs into our lives?

How can I use herbs in my daily wellness routine?
‘Prevention is better than cure’, it is the key to a long and healthy life. Be an advocate for your health; mind, body and spirit. You have sovereignty over your body and your health. Listen to your body, become intuitive. Learn to recognize when it is tired, distressed, and not functioning as it should.
Many herbs can be utilized for daily wellbeing, but the herbs you use can also be tweaked when you feel the need for extra assistance. You can alter the herbs you use to compliment your lifestyle. Are there moments when you are more stressed than usual, have you been burning the candle at both ends lately, do you need some extra help to study for those exams or have you indulged a little too much in alcohol or processed foods and need to give your liver a bit of loving?
Teas, infusions, and capsules are the most convenient way to incorporate herbs into your daily routine. But do not underestimate the power of adding herbs to your cooking! If your immune system needs a boost or you are fighting off an infection, adding fresh or dried rosemary, oregano, thyme, and garlic to your cooking will be of great benefit.
We all know how to make a pot of tea, and how much a pot of tea can soothe the soul too. Herbs that are great for daily maintenance due to their high content of general vitamins, minerals and antioxidants are nettle, rosehips, ashwaganda, ginseng, lemon balm and rosemary among others. It is best to listen to your body and what tastes best to you, it is amazing how our tastes can change depending on what our body needs.
Infusions are made like a tea but using slightly more of the herb and steeping for much longer. Let the herbs steep for 4hrs to overnight for the best extraction. Then drink within 2-3 days and keep the infusion in the fridge, it can be enjoyed cold or added to some boiled water.
Capsules need to be sourced from a reputable supplier to ensure they do not consist of fillers or other chemical substances that can in fact be harmful to your health.
These are not the only ways to incorporate herbs into your day, but they are a start. Pick an herb or herbal blend and get to know it, enjoy it, smell it and feel its effects. Listen to your body. Take responsibility for your health, you have control! Combined with other basic healthy principles like fresh air, hydration, daily movement, and good quality sleep, you are on the way to a healthier you.